GALRITPOG - Ruined Love Stories

Geeks Acting Like Retards In The Presence Of Girls

This blog is a collection for all the ruined love stories told by geeks.

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Thursday 30 April 2009

Story #17

all righty then, here goes. I'll try and make it anonymous but just in case someone I knows recognises me... don't tell on me :s details have been slightly altered from the truth.

I ended an abusive relationship with my boyfriend. I am delighted to be free. I have started to feel things for one of my closest friends, and I want to pursue the relationship. I'm pretty sure he does too.

However, there are problems. I know him through wow and he lives in an entirely different country to me. He is also rather much older than I (I am early 20s, he is late 20s). and I think that if I misjudge the situation I may lose faith in men entirely.

How can I tell if he feels the same way, without giving the game up? should I be bothering at all?

[Editor note: Yes, that's correct, even girls can be geeks and post here.]

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